Seller - S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and any partner of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. based on a collaboration contract in force between the entities involved, as well as all branches of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. located in Romania.
Buyer - natural person or any other legal entity which creates an Account on www.brandalchemist.ro and places an order.
Client – natural person who has or gets access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication, made available by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 or based on an existing usage agreement between S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. and itself and it requires the creation and management of an ACCOUNT on www.brandalchemist.ro .
User – any natural person registered on www.brandalchemist.ro, who, by completing the creation process of the Account, has given its consent on the specific clauses of www.brandalchemist.ro mentioned in the Terms and General Conditions section.
Account - the section in the www.brandalchemist.ro formed from an email address or username and password which allows the Buyer place Orders and contains information about the Client/Buyer.
Wish List – the section in Favourites in which the Buyer/User can add products which they consider favourite and then they add them in the shopping basket (”my basket”).
The lists can be:
- Public: anything
Client/Buyer/User can see the Buyers/Users List in case they share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) or if they access the Buyers/Users public profile from the website.
- Private: these can be seen only by the keeper of the Account.
The Buyer/User has the possibility to make them public anytime, directly from the Account or Favourites section.
WebSite – www.brandalchemist.ro field and its subdomains.
Order - an electronic document that works as a form of communication between the Seller and the Buyer through which the Buyer transmits to the Seller, through the website, their intention to purchase Goods and Services from the website.
Goods and Services - any product or service, including documents and mentioned services in the Order, to be supplied by the Seller, to the Buyer as a result of the Contract concluded, based on the Order.
Campaign – the action to exhibit for commercial purpose, a finite number of Goods and/or Services having a limited and predefined stock and price, for a limited period of time established by the Seller.
Contract - represents the remote contract between the Seller and the Buyer, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Seller and the Buyer, based on the Order.
- all the information of the website that can be visited, seen or otherwise accessed by using the electric equipment;
- any email content sent by the Seller to the Buyer and/or any other means of communication available;
- any information transmitted through any way by an employee/contributor of the Seller, Buyer, according to the contact information, whether specified or not by them;
- information related to the Goods and/or Services and/or the fees charged by a third party with whom the Seller has signed a partnership contract over a certain period of time;
- data relating to the Seller or other privileged data of his.
Comment - appreciation or observation with critical purpose about a
product/service or any other commentary. It can be based on the personal
experience of a user/buyer and it can be positive or less positive.
Question – addressing formula to other Users/Clients/Buyers with the purpose
of obtaining information about the products or the services on that page.
Answer - written information sent to the User/Client/Buyer that asked a question on the website, on a random product page. The answer represents an offered explanation by the User/Client/Buyer to another User/Client/Buyer during a discussion.
Newsletter - means of information, exclusively electronic, respectively electronic mail (email or SMS) about the Goods and Services and/or the promotions carried out by the Seller over a certain period, without any commitment from the Seller with reference to the information contained.
Transaction - collection or repayment of an amount resulting from the sale of
Goods and/or Service by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L.,CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 or one of its partners, the Buyer, by using the services of the card processor approved by the Seller, regardless of the delivery method.
Specifications - all specifications or/and descriptions of the Goods and Services as specified in their description.
2.1. By placing an Order on the website, the Buyer agrees to the communication form (telephonic or email) through which the Seller carries out their commercial operations.
2.2. The notification received by the Buyer, after placing the Order has an informative role and does not represent the acceptance of the Order. This notification is made electronically (email) or by telephone.
2.3. For justified reasons, the Seller reserves the right to change the quantity of the Goods and/or the Services in the Order. After they change the quantity of the Goods and/or the Services in the Order they will inform the Buyer via the email address or the phone number made available for the Seller when placing the Order and only then the amount paid will be returned.
2.4. The contract between the Seller and the Buyer is concluded when the Buyer gets the shipping notification of the Order from the Seller through the electronic mail or/and a SMS.
2.5. The document and the information made available by the Seller on the website will be based on the Contract, to which the certificate of conformity/guarantee issued by the Seller or a partner or theirs for the Goods purchased is added.
3.1. Access to the purpose of placing an Order is allowed to any Client/Buyer. For justified reasons S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 reserves the right to restrict Customer/Buyer access in order to place an Order and/or to some of the accepted payment methods, if it considers that based on the conduct or the activity of the Client/Buyer on the website, their actions could in some way harm the image and/or the activity of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L.,CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965. In any of these cases, the Client/Buyer can address S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. to be informed about the reasons that led to the application of the above measures.
3.2. Communication with the Seller can be achieved through direct interaction with them or through the addresses mentioned in the ”Contract” section on the website. The Seller has the freedom to manage the information received without having to provide justifications for it.
3.3. S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 can post on the website information about the Goods and/or the Services and/or its promotions or any other’s third party with whom S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. has a partnership contract, over a certain period of time and within the limit of available stock.
3.4. All the prices related to the Goods and/or the Services presented on the website are expressed in lei (RON).
3.5. In the case of online payments, the Seller isn’t/ can’t be made responsible for any other extra costs supported by the Buyer, including but not limited to currency conversion commissions applied by the issuing bank of their card, in case the issuing currency is different from RON. The Buyer is responsible for this action.
3.6. All the information used for the description of the Goods and/for the Services available on the website (static images/ dynamic/ multimedia presentations/etc.) don’t represent a contractual obligation from the Seller, these being used exclusively with the title of presentation.
The Seller can assign or/and subcontract a third part of Services related to Order fulfillment, informing the Buyer, but without their approval. The Seller will always be responsible for all contractual obligations.
5.1. The Content can be defined at the beginning, including but not limiting to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site, with the exclusive property of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, for which all the obligations obtained directly or indirectly (used and/or public license) are reserved.
5.2. The Client/Buyer is not allowed to copy, to distribute, to publicize, to transfer to third parts, to modify and/or to alter it, to use, to cut the content, to expose, to include any Content in any other context than the original one intended by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965. The inclusion of any Content outside the Site, removal of signs that signify the S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. copyright on the Content, as well as participating in the transfer, selling, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying and displaying the Content only with the express written agreement of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L.
5.3. Any Content at which the Client/Buyer gets access to through any means is under the scope of the Document if the Content is not accompanied by a usage agreement which is specific and valid, completed between S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and themselves, without any implied or express warranty from S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. with regard to that Content.
5.4. The Client/Buyer can copy, transfer and/or use the Content only on personal or non-commercial purposes, only if it does not conflict with the above provisions.
5.5. In case S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 gives the Client/Buyer the right to use a certain content, as described in a separate usage agreement, to which the Client/Buyer has or gets access after this agreement, the right extends only to the content or contents defined in the agreement, only during the period of its existence or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if it exists and does not represent a contractual commitment of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 with the Client/Buyer or any other third that has/gets access to this transferred contract, through any means, and that can be or is damaged in any way after this content, during or after examining the usage agreement.
5.6. Any Content sent by the Client or Buyer, through any means of communication or acquired by this through accessing, visiting and/or visualizing the site does not constitute a contractual obligation from S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, which mediated the transfer of content, in case this exists, compared to that content.
5.7. Any usage of the Content for other purposes than the ones expressly allowed through the present Document or the usage agreement which accompanies it, in case this exists, is forbidden.
6.1. The Client/Buyer can place the Order on the Site, by adding the Goods or/the Services wanted in the shopping basket then finishing the Order by paying through one of the methods indicated. After being added to the shopping basket, the Goods and/or Services are available for purchase insofar as there is stock available and sufficient for it. Adding Goods/Services in the shopping basket without finishing the Order doesn’t involve the registration of a contract, by default, no automatic reservation or the Goods/Services.
6.2. By finishing the Order the Buyer agrees that all the data provided by them necessary for the purchase process are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the Order.
6.3. By finishing the Order the Buyer agrees that the Seller can contact him, through any way possible/agreed by the Seller in any situation that is necessary to contact the Buyer.
6.4. The Seller can cancel the Order made by the Buyer, following a prior notification addressed to the Buyer, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim the other damages in the following cases:
6.4.1. Non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Buyer’s card of the transaction in the case of online payment;
6.4.2. Invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, in case of online payment.
6.4.3. The data provided by the Client/Buyer, on the site are incomplete and/or incorrect;
6.5. The Client/Buyer can cancel the Order through email the same day it was placed until 12:00 a.m. or via phone, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The Order cannot be canceled after the confirmation of delivery of the parcel was received by email. The invoice can be printed and sent in a parcel with the ordered products.
6.6. The Buyer has the right to terminate the Contract, respectively to return the Goods or to give up a Service in time of 14 calendar days, without invoking any reason or incurring costs other than delivery. Thus, according to Emergency Ordinance no 34/2014, the period of return of Goods or giving up a Service expires within 14 days from:
- the day the Buyer gets in physical possession the latest Goods – if the Buyer orders through a single order multiple products that will be delivered separately
- the day the Buyer gets in physical possession the latest Goods or the latest piece
- in case of delivery of a product consisting of several lots or parts
6.7. In case the Buyer decides to terminate the Contract, they will be able to complete the online return form found at the address www.brandalchemist.ro
6.8. In case the Client / Buyer requests the termination of the Contract within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, they must also return any gifts that accompanied the respective product. In the event that the Order is paid, the Seller will reimburse the amount within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days from the date the Seller informed the Buyer about their decision to terminate the Contract. The amount will be returned as follows:
6.8.1. – for Orders paid by card online – by refund in the account from which the payment was made;
6.8.2. – for Orders paid with payment order / refund / PayPal / Transferwise – by bank transfer;
6.9. The seller will be able to postpone the repayment of the amount until the receipt of the Goods sold or until the receipt of a proof that they were sent, if they did not offer to return the Goods themselves (the most recent date will be taken into consideration).
6.10. In the event that the Goods and/ or the Services ordered by the Buyer cannot be delivered by the Seller, the latter will inform the Client / Buyer of this fact and will return to the Buyer’s account the value of the Goods and/ or the Services, within 7 (seven) days from the date on which the Seller became aware of this fact or from the date on which the Buyer expressed the intention to terminate the
7.1. The following are exempted from the right of withdrawal from the Contract:
7.1.2. – the supply of Goods made according to the specifications presented by the Buyer or clearly personalized;
7.1.3. – the supply of Goods that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
7.1.4. – the supply of Sealed Goods that cannot be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene reasons and which were unsealed by the Buyer;
7.1.5. – the supply of live animals that cannot be returned for protection or hygiene reasons and which have spent more than 14 calendar days with the Buyer and could be exposed to risks of illness or infestation;
7.1.6. – the supply of Goods which, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements;
7.1.7. – the provision of digital content that is not delivered on a material medium, if the delivery began with the express prior consent of the Buyer and then they have confirmed that they have become aware that they will lose their right to withdraw.
8.1. Information of any kind provided by the Buyer/ Seller to the Seller will
remain the Seller’s property.
8.2. No public statement, promotion, press release or any other disclosure to third parties will be made by the Buyer/ Client regarding the Order/ Contract without the Seller’s prior written consent.
8.3. By transmitting information or materials through this site, you give the Seller unrestricted and irrevocable access to them the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute such materials or information. You also agree that the Seller may freely use, in their own interest, these ideas, concepts, experiences or techniques that you have sent to us through the Site S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965. They will not be subject to obligations regarding the confidentiality of the information sent, if the legislation in force does not provide other specifications in this regard.
8.4. By registering in S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 database, the Client / Buyer offers their express consent, within the limits of the legislation in force to be contacted by third parties of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L.: marketing service providers, other product and service providers; other companies with S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 can develop joint programs for offering the Goods and / or Services on the market, etc.
9.1. Newsletters of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 are transmitted through it directly or through the partners specialized and approved by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. Thus, confidentiality and security of information are ensured.
9.2. At the moment, the Client creates an Account on the Site, they also have the possibility to express their agreement regarding the receipt of Newsletters. The option regarding the agreement issued by the Client, can be modified at any time, by contacting S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965.
9.3. The renunciation of the receipt of the Newsletters by the Customer or the Buyer can be done at any time using the special connection intended for any Newsletter;
9.4. The renunciation of receiving the Newsletters does not imply the renunciation of the acceptance given for this Document.
10.1. The prices of Goods and Services are displayed on the website www.brandalchemist.ro, they include VAT according to the legislation in force – The price, the payment method and the payment term are specified in each Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods and Services, the Buyer’s obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.
The payment of the products and services can be done by the following methods:
- online with the card in full safe conditions (3D Secure confirmation, at the time of ordering, the cards accepted for payment are those issued under the VISA (Classic and Electron) and MASTERCARD (including Maestro);
- refund, upon delivery of the order.
10.2. Price / discount policy on the site is totally established by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and the purchase price is the one displayed when the order is launched. The prices of the products are those displayed for each product separately and they are updated daily. In principle, discounts, discounts and promotions are not cumulative. To calculate the amount, the discount with the highest value is deducted.
All promotions mentioned on the site are valid within the limit of the available
10.3. Delivery policy. The delivery is made through Fan Courier, only in Romania, at the address specified by you. Please indicate the address where you can be found and the time frame in which you are available. Shipping costs are separate and cannot be found in the price displayed attached to the products on our site. The delivery rate is 23,90 RON, except for Brașov, where the price is 20,90 RON, but all orders over 250 RON benefit from free shipping.
Orders are processed and delivered from Monday to Friday, with the exception of legal holidays.
Orders received after 12:00 p.m. will be processed and shipped the next day. Orders received on Friday after 12:00 a.m. will be processed on Monday, next week. The delivery time starts with the receipt of the confirmation email of the order. Except for cases of force majeure, orders will be delivered within a maximum of 5 working days from the date of placing the order, S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 is not responsible for unforeseen delays. For security reasons, we ask for the order delivery to be assigned. There are no deliveries to PO Boxes or Post Offices. Please check, upon delivery, the conformity of the order: the integrity of the package, the correspondence of the delivery code with that of the order. Please report any lack of conformity in writing both in the documentation of the courier company and on the address Dana@brandalchemist.ro. If the product received is damaged, we recommend to return it in its original state. The loss or deterioration of the products ordered on the website www.brandalchemist.ro becomes your responsibility, once the transport documents are signed.
- Return Policy. According to the Emergency Ordinance no 34 / 4.06.2014
regarding the rights of consumers within the distance contracts, the buyer has the right to notify in writing the trader that they give up the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 14 calendar days from receiving the product. The direct costs of returning the products are the buyer’s responsibility. The return address of the products is: str. Berzei, 7, bloc 30, scara A, apartament 1, Brașov, România. If the buyer has benefited from the free delivery of the products under the conditions explained at the DELIVERY session, we will deduct these costs from the refund amount (the transport costs of the first delivery). In order to exercise the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, you must inform us in writing, by completing the Return Form. The reimbursement of the amounts will be made within a maximum of 30 days from the date of acceptance of the return by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str, Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965. In order to be able to accept the return of the products, they must be in the same state in which they were delivered to you (not damaged; the integrity of the accompanying documents) – Fan Courier and not through Poșta Română. You can choose to replace the product with another one available in stock. If you wish to replace the returned product with another one available on stock, the costs of delivery will be borne by you, as a customer. Replacement with a higher value product requires payment of the difference by reimbursement upon receipt of the package. The refund of the returned product will be made within a maximum of 30 calendar days by bank transfer to the IBAN account specified in the Return Form. These provisions regarding the refund of the amounts due to the customers as a result of initiating the returns apply even for orders paid online if you have been delivered a product other than the ordered one or a product with defects, contact within 3 working days S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 (Dana@brandalchemist.ro) to advertise this situation and we will ensure that the product is replaced by a new product or the refund of money.
Return and transport costs for the replacement product, if any, are borne by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965. For products whose packages show visible damage upon receipt by courier, we recommend that you refuse their reception. Returns (regardless of the method of transport chosen), will never be sent by the customer to S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 with reimbursement payment. The repayment of the amounts is made only by bank transfer.
- The price, the payment method and the payment term are specified in
each Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Goods and Services, the Buyer’s obligation being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice according to the legislation in force.
- The Seller will send to the Buyer the invoice for the Order containing Goods and / or Services sold by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, except for the Goods and / or Services sold by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. partners, as well as for any other payments related to the Order, both in physical format and upon request in electronic format, by sending the invoice by electronic mail, to the email address mentioned by the Buyer in their Account.
- For a correct communication of the invoice for the Order, the Buyer has the obligation to update whenever their data is the case of their Account and to access the information and documents related to each Order, existing in the Account.
- If this information is unavailable for more than 48 hours in the Account, please notify us by email: dana@brandalchemist.ro.
- The payment card details of the Customer / User / Buyer will not be
accessible S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and neither will they be stored by S.C.MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. or by the payment processor integrated in the Site, but only by the Institution for the authorization of the Transaction or another entity authorized to provide data storage services identifying the card, of which the identity of the Client/User/Buyer will be informed, prior to entering the data.
- In certain cases, in order to maintain the security of the Transactions,
when registering the Order, the Buyer will be asked to authorize the payment by re-entering the password for the Account or using the fingerprint for the mobiles that have this facility.
- For reasons of transaction security the Customer/ User/ Buyer is
advised not to remain logged on to the Site and not to set the automatic logging option on mobile devices. Disclosure of the access password in the account is not allowed and it is recommended to use a password with a strong security character.
11.1. All Goods sold by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 benefit from guarantee conditions in accordance with the legislation in force and the commercial policies of the producers. The goods are new, in original packaging and come from sources authorized by each producer separately.
11.2. In the case of Goods sold and delivered by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED
S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 through partners, the Buyer will receive a guarantee certificate on delivery for each good that has all the details of the service center that provides the repairs during the warranty term. The guarantee of the Goods purchased through S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L. from the partners is provided by the authorized service mentioned on the guarantee certificate related to the Goods or by the Seller.
11.3. In case of the guarantee certificates issued by the manufacturers, the faulty goods declared during the warranty period must be presented directly to the nearest service center mentioned in the certificate. This manufacturer-authorized center will assume full responsibility for the warranty settlement. The lack of the certificate of guarantee of the Goods must be reported within 48 hours from the receipt of the goods to the email address Dana@brandalchemist.ro. Any subsequent referral will not be considered.
The ownership of the Goods will be transferred upon delivery, after the payment made by the Buyer in the location indicated in the Order (understanding by delivery-signing the receipt of the transport document provided by the courier or signing the receipt on the tax invoice in case of deliveries made by the Seller’s personnel).
The Seller shall not be liable for damages of any kind that the Buyer or any third party may suffer as a result of the Seller’s performance of any of its obligations under the Order and for damages resulting from the use of the Goods and Services after delivery and in particular for their loss.
By creating and using the Account, the Client/ User/ Buyer takes the responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account data (user and password) and for managing the access of the Account, and, to the extent permitted by the legislation in force, is responsible for the activity carried out through their Account.
By creating the Account and/ or using the Content and/ or placing the Orders, the
Client / User / Buyer expressly and unequivocally accepts the Terms and Conditions of the Site in the latest updated version that is communicated within the Site, existing at the date of the Account creation and/ or use of the content and/ or at the date of placing the Order.
The Terms and Conditions of the Site may be modified at any time by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str.
Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, these being opposed to Customers/ Users/ Buyers from the date of posting on the Site. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of the Site is confirmed by checking the appropriate checkbox on the Site and / or by sending the Order and / or by making an online payment.
14.1. According to the Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of the persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of the data, modified and completed, S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI
40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone
number 0040722612965 has the obligation to administer in a safe manner and
only for the specified purposes, the personal data you provide to us.
14.2. The purpose of data collection is: informing the Customers/ Buyers about the status of their Account, informing the Buyers about the evolution and status of Orders, commercial activity, promoting the Goods and Services, marketing, advertising, media, administrative, development, market research, statistics, tracking and monitoring of sales and Customer /Buyer behaviour.
14.3. By completing the data in the account and/ or order creation form the Buyer declares and accepts unconditionally that their personal data will be included in the database of S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and gives express and unequivocal agreement that all such personal data be stored, used and processed unlimitedly territorially and/ or temporarily by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L.,CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str.
Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965, affiliates and their collaborators for the development and / or development by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., affiliates and their collaborators in activities such as, but not limited to, commercial activities, product and service promotion, marketing, advertising, media, administrative, development, market research, statistics, tracking and monitoring of sales and consumer behaviour. Also, the Buyer expressly and unequivocally agrees that these personal data may be transferred by S.C. MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str. Căprioarei, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 both to its affiliates as well as to other entities in the country or abroad.
14.4. By reading the Document you have been informed that the rights provided by law, respectively the right to information, the right of access to data, the right of intervention, the right of opposition, the right of not being subjected to an individual decision, the right of addressing justice in case of breaking the rights guaranteed by the Law 677/2001 for the protection of the persons regarding the processing of personal data and their free movement.
15.1. Neither party will be liable for failure to fulfill its contractual obligations on time and or properly, in whole or in part, is due to a force majeure event. The major force is the unpredictable event, beyond the control of the parties and that cannot be avoided.
15.2. If, within 15 days from the date of its production, the respective event does not cease, each party shall have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the Contract without any of them being able to claim other damages.
This Contract is subject to Romanian law. The possible disputes between S.C.
MUST BE BRANDED S.R.L., CUI 40796572, with headquarters in str.
Căprioarei, 8, Săcele, Brașov, phone number 0040722612965 and the clients/ buyers will be resolved amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be ruled by legal proceeding in the competent Romanian courts in Brașov.